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About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to help develop healthy communities by creating an engaging product that can be utilized to help promote physical activity in a fun and interactive way. We are aware of the importance that social connections, physical activity, healthy competition, and fresh air can have over our well-being—which is why we invented XDISC!

We are committed to supporting small and local businesses. We want to make an impact and improve the quality of people’s lives by taking something fun and familiar like the flying disc, and evolving it in a way that makes it more accessible, more versatile, and more entertaining than any other disc on the market.

Our Story

XDISC is the one and only direct descendent of the PYRA-DISC (later referred to as STARDISC) which was a popular gaming disc for kids in the Rocky Mountain Region during the 1970’s and early 80’s. The US Utility Patent for those trademarked names introduced center-pivot flying discs to the world in 1978— consequently, the marketing company representing them fell into hard times in 1982, with PYRA-DISC/STARDISC being one of their casualties. Like a Phoenix rising from its ashes, XDISC was re- designed from the ground up and made huge strides in product development. Now, the original patent holder of the PYRA-DISC/STARDISC has brought the design back, updating its performance and obtaining new patents and trademarks. We began marketing XDISC in 2012 through a new company, Ai Productions, Inc. and the company’s name was changed to Xaipros, Inc. in 2015.

The XDISC spins faster, flies higher and longer with more stability than its ancestor ever could— not to mention it now gives users the ability to perform countless tricks, spins, and free style moves. This was accomplished by designing and incorporating a concave flight-plate and a center pyramid that stabilizes the disc, making it more aerodynamic and easier to throw and perform tricks with. We think XDISC is one of the most fascinating new gaming objects created in a long, long time, and in fact, we found we just couldn’t put it down! The XDISC design integrates beaucoup aerodynamic principles that make it a truly unique flying disc due to its stability, accuracy, and the sloping wing design which provides natural hand positioning—making it super easy to throw and perform your own freestyle moves.

With that being said, it has been awesome to hear from so many adults who loved PYRA-DISC/STARDISC as children, and Xaipros Inc. is proud to continue the tradition and improve upon the PYRA- DISC/STARDISC legacy with XDISC.


PYRA-DISC received special attention the year it was introduced to the market and audiences around the US. The PYRA-DISC was inducted with a Honorable Mention at the 2nd Annual Arango International Design Competition, in the Educational Toys category. Exhibition Dates and Info about the Second ARANGO DESIGN COMPETITION:
  • 1979 (March 8 – April 15) Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
  • 1979 ( June 15 – September 9 ) Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
Second ARANGO DESIGN FOUNDATION design competition “reflected the international concern for child education and development in keeping with the U.N. designated 1979 as “Year of the Child”. Xaipros, Inc., is proud to continue the tradition and improve upon the PYRA-DISC legacy with XDISC .